Why Does Someone Hire a Life Coach?

Whether a pessimist, a realist, or an optimist, most can agree that throughout life, although there are many lovely moments, we inevitably face difficult ones as well. What we do when we face these challenges defines us and shapes our character through the lessons we learn and the choices we make. There are hard moments, but if we can learn something from them, (even better, pass along what we learn to others!), it makes the hardships a little more worth it. Because we know we will be better equip to handle hard things in the future, and that brings us peace.

A life coach is hired to make these types of hard moments in life more bearable and more fruitful.

Life coaches can work with clients on a variety of topics, but how do those clients find their way to hiring a coach in the first place? Why do they choose to hire one?

  • To start, a change likely occurs in the world around someone (or within them) that disrupts the normal day-to-day routine - either how they engage it, how they feel about it, or both.

  • Next, an effort is probably made to resolve the challenge with the usual tactics, but to no avail. This may happen more than once and using more than one tactic.

  • And finally, they harness their humility, self-compassion, and resiliency to seek support and guidance so that they can approach their personal beast with someone by their side.

Anyone can hire a life coach, yet some are more likely to do so because of what challenge they are facing and how able they are to ask for support and guidance.

Their Life Has Gotten Lifey

Looking back, now knowing what I do about life coaching, I can reflect on many times that I could have benefited from working with a life coach. I don’t regret the choices and actions I made; I’m here today strong and well. But I do believe that if I would have had a life coach, the experiences could have been less arduous, I could have found contentment and joy more effectively, or I could have gained more from the experience.

A little while back, I experienced a life-threatening illness. With the help of professionals, community, and new resources, I was able to come out the other side. After the worst was past, I couldn’t wait to get back to my old life. The problem was though that I was not the same person. The experience had changed me. I had to re-learn a lot about myself and build a new life out of the old one to find peace and happiness. This is just one example of the kind of catalyst that inspires someone to hire a life coach. A few others include:

  • Feeling Stuck

  • Experiencing a Loss

  • Experiencing a Gain

  • Experiencing a Change

  • Feeling nothing

  • Things are moving too fast

  • Things are moving too slow

  • Wanting a change

  • Having difficulty connecting

  • Unsure of purpose, path, or plight

  • Setting a new goal

They Have Hit a Tipping Point

When faced with a challenge, many factors go into deciding how to proceed. Some folks select the first solution that comes to mind and charge ahead. Others sift through every possible outcome in analysis paralysis only to exhaust themselves and choose the one that seems the easiest in the moment. A percentage will dream of taking their challenge on but fail to ever act. Still others look for the solution that looks to be the path of least resistance only to encounter unforeseen pitfalls leading them to quit or drearily trudge through. These groups are not likely to hire a life coach as they seem to not see that with careful exploration, planning and support, an effective path can be carved out, even if it feels slow or cumbersome in the beginning to involve another person.

Some opt to face challenges with the support of family or friends. They are able to feel connection and support while wading through a challenge which is a benefit. However, there is no guarantee that those they go to for support are providing an objective and relevant point of view.

  • Personal agenda - Their support could come in the form of advice, judgement, pressure or worse. They may be more interested in swaying you a certain way because of how it will affect them, of because they see the world differently than you.

  • Lack of understanding - They may have the best intentions, but don’t know about the challenge you are facing because they have not in fact faced it themselves, they aren’t as familiar with the topic as they’d like to think they are, or they just aren’t asking you the right questions to help you dissect your options.

When these strategies fail enough one can reach a point where it seems more effective to hire a coach than try old tactics again. The path of least resistance appears to be to hire a coach, and so they do.

They Have Compassion for Themselves

Metta bhavana, or Metta, is a term used in Buddhism for the practice of loving kindness. This practice, similar to practices in other spiritual or religious doctrines, helps one focus on the concept of inclusive love. Whether it is for people in general, specific people in one’s life, or for oneself, it is a meditation on compassion.

To be content in the present, to find joy in the moment and to be free of suffering, is a mantra tied to Metta. This meditation can inspire inner peace, compassion, and a sense of acceptance for how one engages with the world around them. What does Metta have to do with why someone hires a life coach you are wondering? If someone is going to hire someone to support and guide them, it is likely that they have a considerable capacity for compassion. Instead of blaming themselves for mistakes, running away from the challenges they face, pretending to have all the answers, or deflecting blame to others, they seek out guidance to learn and to do better next time. They must have a basic understanding that as humans, we all falter, and that failure is really just an opportunity to learn, not a character defect.

Whatever your experience in life currently, if you are asking yourself the question, do I need a life coach, consider asking yourself this instead: Could I benefit from working with a life coach? And you might find that you are one of those ready to embrace an opportunity for Metta in your own life. Peace and Love.

If you’d like to learn more about potentially hiring Living with Gusto, check out our About Us page, or follow us on Facebook or Instagram. Or contact us to set up a consultation, or share with us a challenge you are facing that you might want coaching support with. We’ll respond with a couple ideas for free.


What Does Working with a Life Coach Look Like?


Who Hires a Life Coach?